All articles in "thoughts"


Your job is to learn, not to teach

Chances are you’ve been part of an internet argument. The rules are simple: try to win without insults. Having a civilized discussion is…

1 min read

That feeling you get when someone closely teaches you something

My daughter loves coloring. She draws and colors on any paper she can get her hands on, from clean white pages screaming to be filled with…

2 min read

The most enjoyable thing I currently own: The Nintendo Switch.

For my 6th birthday, my mom gave me an Optimus Prime robot that walked and made sounds. It was such an amazing present and I was so…

3 min read

My first week at a remote-first company

I’ve wanted to work remotely for years. Being able to control my time, productivity and work habits seemed like a dream. Not to mention the…

3 min read

I'm Not Good Enough

The vast majority of my recent articles have been focused on books. What books I read, my thoughts on topics I read on them, reviews from…

3 min read

The Age Of Artifical Intelligence: the future of jobs, algorithms and morality.

You might have heard of The Three Laws of Robotics, they were laws proposed by Isaac Asimov on his famous book “I, Robot”. Such laws would…

6 min read

Opinion: Students Learn From People They Love

I stumbled upon an article from The New York Times titled “Students Learn From People They Love”. It instantly caught my attention because…

4 min read

I had 39 fully written but unpublished blog posts. So I wrote another one!

So many things that came pouring out of my fingers to never see the light of day. To forever leave my mind, for I have no recollection of…

2 min read

When Time became our God, and anxiety our companion.

The time is so scarce, it is somewhat frustrating. To let go of things you love, just to make some space for the things you might have a…

2 min read

How to find meaning and happiness in our lives.

We draw meaning from anything we can find. Our titles, our possessions, our friends, our past and our possible future are all bragging…

3 min read

How do you gain knowledge? And how do we avoid losing it?

What do you think of if I ask you about the Middle Ages? I imagine most people as farmers. Images of kings, crusades, The Plague and utter…

6 min read

On world building, Twenty One Pilot's Trench, and creativity.

I’ve been listening to this one album for more than a month now. I usually listen to music while coding, and whenever I want to play music I…

3 min read

My nonna and her stories.

My family, just like any other family out there, has some interesting history and things worth talking about and stories worth telling. I…

2 min read

The value of friendship.

As I sit alone my mind starts to think back to my past. Back to people that were once cornerstones of my life. Not just friends that shared…

1 min read

On Greatness And The Fear Of Tomorrow.

I believe humans have a tendency to fear the future, to stay away from the thought of what’s to come, the possibilities of it. They’re…

3 min read

Wait, I'm an adult now. When did that happen?

You’re walking down the street or driving your car, or going back to work from a cigarette break when suddenly it hits you: you’re an adult…

3 min read

Playing with toy scissors

My daughter came to me with plastic toy scissors and started to play with them, as I’m sitting down on the sofa in front of her she takes…

2 min read

A thank you note to the universe.

There are studies, and a hell of a lot of self-help books that make emphasis on how being grateful will improve your happiness, health and…

2 min read

On Becoming A Man.

I was watching a movie the other day called “20th Century Women”. In it, a couple of women try to teach a 15 y/o boy how to *become* a man…

4 min read

To understand each other is to live, to understand ourselves is to be happy.

The ability of self-denial and self-loathing are very human characteristics. We wouldn’t think of any animal loathing itself or having self…

1 min read

I'm just a crazy old man on a blue box! And now I don't even have the blue box!

I’ve just realised something funny yet interesting and quite insightful about myself. There’s this thing I’ve done since I have memory, or…

2 min read

Becoming who you are. From an irresponsible student to a 6 am waking up dad.

We’re constantly bombarded by the idea that to achieve greatness all we have to do is _just _work a bit harder. Wake up earlier, do more…

8 min read

Oh well, it's 6:40am you see?

Our friendship nowadays is determined by our Facebook connection or lack of it. The term “we’re friends” is now socially defined as having…

1 min read

Why our misery and misunderstanding comes from the refusal of our instincts.

We tend to forget, or as many people do, to consistently and stubbornly refuse the fact that we’re animals. Calling someone “an animal” is a…

4 min read

I saw a death corpse that wasn't dead.

The bus was packed with people. I was standing, ignoring the other tens of commuters dealing with traffic on their own, personal ways. As…

5 min read

Can we predict the future? And should we believe those who say so?

Imagine you can choose to have a special mental ability. Predicting the future and influencing other’s behaviour might be two of the best…

8 min read

On distractions, memory and ideas.

I don’t know what’s the matter with people: they don’t learn by understanding; they learn by some other way—by rote, or something. Their…

4 min read

I found myself between the sword and the wall. Should I be brave or wise?

There’s this interesting phrase that goes “I found myself between the sword and the wall” that I heard many times in my childhood in…

1 min read

Mumbling and bleeding. Bleeding and mumbling.

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed. Ernest Hemingway What we love about quotes from the masters…

2 min read

I will never be able to love my fellow men as I love my daughter, but I can learn to respect them in their differences.

Today I read this: What was I made for, if not to carry love like a torch in the dark and ignite every heart I touch? I stopped for a moment…

2 min read

On creativity.

“Research on the biology of creativity suggest several ingredients that we all can bake into our personal recipes for success. Number one is…

2 min read

Doubt. Nature’s most poisonous paralyzer.

Confucius, one of China’s most famous philosophers once said: If you already know what you have to do, and you don’t do it, then you are…

2 min read

Our endless journey to achieve self importance.

The feeling of importance is one of human being’s most desired feelings. Epic stories have been written, magnificent concertos created and…

1 min read

The beauty of the unkown

I’m not myself when I’m writing yet I’m lost when I do. I know myself and the reasons I reason with, nevertheless I’m yet to find myself as…

1 min read

How to learn any new skill in 20 hours or less.

We humans are learning machines. Due to the way our brains work we might not beat a computer in Math or Physics. Most of us can’t win…

7 min read

Why Do I Write? What Will I Do With It?

In 2014 I was working with a great startup and we all were a very close and cool team. I found out that, unsurprisingly, a few of my…

3 min read

A better view on success for the 21st century.

And how to achieve long lasting happiness. When thinking about success, our minds focus inadvertently on money. Money is king in the world…

6 min read

The Reason Venezuela Had a Semi-Dictatorship For A Decade

Why Venezuelans Have Lived With A “Dictatorship” For Over 10 Years. By Obed Marquez Parlapiano. I’m a Venezuelan born man who lived in the…

14 min read

Living more life

I’ve been writing a diary (yes, a diary, I finally started a proper diary. I’m so glad I’m far away from some friends right now) for the…

2 min read

Who Are We? And How To Change It.

Waking up in the middle of the night, wondering: who are we? Who are we? Really? Are we the conglomerate of billions of atoms constantly…

3 min read

What Is Love? Baby I Have No Idea.

No idea whatsoever. I would just like to use the “Baby don’t hurt me, don”t hurt me, no more” answer. But that would make this post way too…

4 min read

Our Deep Loss Of Intimacy & How To Save The World.

This was going to originally be a publication about the reason of why I don’t congratulate my friends by just putting a meaningless “Happy…

5 min read

How To Be Happy. And Why No One Is Happy.w

Where to start. Ok. No point to start off. Bye. I hope this was useful. For real. Where to start? Human dissatisfaction is printed in our…

1 min read

Why everything is a lie.

Everything they have taught you is a lie. The school is a lie. The books are a lie. You are a lie. I am a lie too, my dear. Nothing can be…

5 min read

Keeping promises 101.

About moi: Through my life, there’s something really important that I’ve learned, mostly through fucking up. That something had evolved and…

4 min read

Why I Believe People That Never Leave Reviews At Amazon Are Assholes.

Well, first of all let’s narrow it down, and be more specific. Mostly I’m talking about Books here, because even if Amazon sells millions of…

4 min read

The odds of it, rolling the dice of life.

What are the odds of it, the odds of something happening, the odds of nothing happening? Think about it for a second, when you find someone…

3 min read

The end of the story is all that matters.

Did you read the title? It is true. The end of a story is all that matters. A story becomes The Story, when it has a great ending. A king is…

2 min read

Practice: The Clock is Ticking

Several studies indicate that in order to become an expert, a prodigy, or even a genius, you need to practice ten thousand hours. You can…

3 min read

Intuition. A gift we all share.

There is this thing called Intuition. I read a book about it when I was in high school, when, well, I didn’t use to read that much. It took…

2 min read

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 6…

1 min read

Surprising Events

I thought what to give you as a Christmas present, I didn’t know, like, Nope, no idea, so I was thinking what would you like, and i had this…

39 min read

What would you answer if someone asks you in your deathbed 'How was it to live in earth?'

What would you answer if someone asks you in your deathbed ‘How was it to live in earth?‘. What would you answer? The question must be ask…

2 min read

To win all you have to do is Lie. . . Right? . .

To win all you have to do is lie. To lie means to win, but winning doesn’t necessarily means to lie. To lie is so easy, so tempting, that…

1 min read

I am a warm, friendly person.

I am a warm, friendly person who smiles just for the sake of it. I am a warm, friendly person who smiles to make you smile with me. I am a…

1 min read

If you just asked for it.

I have grown cold, no, not cold. I am as warm as ever, because i now know how to love, more like, i have grown to expect less, that way i…

1 min read

Would you kill to prove you're right?

Would you? Kill. Kill to prove you’re right. That you’re ideas are above everyone else’s ideas. Would you kill to save your life? What would…

1 min read

Afraid of the Dark, just sayin.

I live, we live, i mean, all of us, are living in a new revolution. Even bigger than the industrial revolution. And us, with 20+ years old…

1 min read


Tengo miedo. Tengo miedo de eso que desconozco, de aquello que se oculta de mi humilde entendimiento. Me asustan las sombras que mis ojos no…

1 min read

Juntos y desconocidos.

Mente y cuerpo unidos En un sin fin de incertidumbre Se aconsejan uno al otro  Más ninguno sabe la respuesta La respuesta de aquella…

1 min read

Esperanza en el vivir de mis sueños.

No puedo hablar por nadie más. Pues en mi mente no existe recuerdo de algún otro más que yo mismo.  No puedo decir que los demás sienten…

1 min read

El jodido conformismo que mata la prosperidad.

Ese momento en el que piensas “bueno, es mejor que nada”, porque obtuviste una calificación “decente”, porque compraste un producto parecido…

4 min read

Lo atractivo de lo desconocido.

Escuchaba una canción, tiene dos oraciones en francés, una al comienzo y otra a mitad de la canción. Esas dos frases para mi, aumentan…

1 min read

Son aquellos momentos de gloria por los que la vida vale la pena.

girl-enjoy-summer-sun La vida vale la pena, sin importar lo que digas ni como lo digas. La vida vale la pena en cada segundo de nuestra…

2 min read

Suenas extrañamente familiar...

Suenas como aquella vieja canción de la que nadie recuerda la letra, pero todos tararean. Suenas como aquel familiar sonido que extrañamos…

1 min read

Tic toc, canta el reloj. Tic toc.

Sufro de la extraña y aún así no tan extraña dolencia del tiempo perdido. Ya sabes, cuando por culpa de la madures, vejez, o como sea que la…

1 min read

Disfrutando el conocimiento.

Míralo de este modo, cuando ves una película que tiene efectos asombrosamente reales, no te preocupas por pensar de que forma los hicieron…

1 min read

La complicidad de tus ideas.

Existe ese momento en el que en tu cabeza viven juntas tantas ideas y pensamientos que parecen armar una gran fiesta a la que no estas…

1 min read

La realidad puede llegar a ser muy fragil.

Esa realización de que las cosas tal vez no estén tan bien como aparentan serlo, estarlo . Esa realización de que el techo que te mantiene…

1 min read

La esperanza, aquella que hiere tus sentidos.

Uno de los primeros libros que recuerdo leer y los cuales realmente aprendí y disfrute, sin mencionar que comencé a formas mis hábitos de…

2 min read

Blanco tiñiendose de rojo: la espera de una respuesta alentadora.

Despertó con una llamada en su teléfono, específicamente con el tono de urgencia que le había puesto a ciertos números, números indefensos…

3 min read

Ideas: Nuestras herederas y tickets al firmamento.

Las ideas son como un ser vivo. Son creadas, pero luego de su creación no pueden salir al mundo y brillar ante el sol, deben primero crecer…

1 min read

La simpleza de lo desconocido.

Todos sabemos la complejidad detras de un relog valorado en miles de dolares, o un telefono de “Ultima generación” porque el punto en la…

2 min read

Somos caminantes en la travesía a nuestras metas.

Las personas, los humanos, somos seres de ideas y de objetivos, somos maquinadas creadas y mayormente diseñadas con el fin de lograr un…

1 min read

La luna es de queso. ¿Por que?

La luna es de queso… Sí, claro que es de queso. No, no hay pruebas de que es de roca. ¿Quien dice que no es de queso? Ah si claro, las miles…

2 min read

¿Que tal si no pudieras expresarte solo por falta de una palabra para hacerlo?

Imagínate que deseas expresar lo rico que esta la cena, lo deliciosa de la pizza **(si, pizza va en Bold, solo porque es pizza), el amor que…

3 min read

La luna roja con respecto a nuestra sociedad.

Dado que la noche del 15 de abril, 2014, aprox. A las 3am (CSS) hubo un eclipse lunar, lo cual causo que nuestra luna, el único acompañante…

2 min read

La importancia de tener un modelo a seguir.

Esto es algo relativamente nuevo para mi. A pesar de que siempre estuve consciente de lo que aquí escribiré, nunca tuve la oportunidad de…

3 min read

Observar, mirar, y ver. La diferencia entre verdad y creencia.

Cuando hablamos de Ver simplemente nos referimos a la vista como tal. Apariencia externa, sin tomar en cuenta detalle. Piénsalo como un…

3 min read

Que digo: como perder el enfoque 101.

Voy a tocalte toa, esta noche te voy a hacer mi seyora, esque no se que, esta noche te voy a hacer mi seyora. Disculpen, es que iba a…

2 min read

Porque todo es mejor que cero.

Todo, absolutamente todo, es mejor que cero. Es mejor hacer algo, a no hacerlo, es mejor intentarlo a no hacerlo, es mejor esforzarse a no…

3 min read

Somos un brillante grano de arena entre masas fácilmente controlables.

Este día tenía intención de escribir de algo totalmente diferente, pero maravillosamente tengo la capacidad de cambiar mi destino sólo un…

2 min read

Cuando una idea es mas fuerte que la realidad.

Cuando abrí este “Blog” aunque seria mejor decir, esta cuenta de Wordpress, lo hice porque mi país, sobre todo mi ciudad, estaba en medio de…

2 min read

Todos somos Storytellers.

Storytellers: narradores, contadores de historias, relatores, cuentistas, cronistas. O cualquier otro sinónimo que deseen utilizar. Pero al…

2 min read

¿Quien eres en las redes sociales?

Todos, y creo que lo digo con algo de entendimiento en ese aspecto de los seres humanos. Toda persona estará siempre interesada en algo, sin…

2 min read

Razonamiento de un tiempo que no esperaba libre.

Las ideas son algo maravilloso, tenemos esa extraña noción de que todas las buenas ideas llegaron a los grandes creadores de la nada, en un…

2 min read
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