All articles in "books"

Notes (and quotes) on being good at negotiating - Never Split The difference

We’re constantly negotiating whether we want to or not. From mundane things like agreeing what to have for dinner, to important decisions…

18 min read

Circe - A delightful reminder of our mortality

Books transcend beyond their covers by making us hallucinate with wonders, and a good author is like a wizard cooking up potions that will…

1 min read

Hiding your hero in plain sight: Duncan Idaho and the genius of Frank Herbert's Dune

Frank Herbert is considered by many to be one of the best science fiction writers of all time. He wrote the classic, astounding and eye…

7 min read

How to create powerful habits that breed success: a review of Atomic Habits.

James Clear is a fantastic writer with a great blog. He writes about self-development with a twist. Instead of talking about philosophy and…

5 min read

Isaac Asimov, The Quintessential Writer.

I discovered Asimov when I was about fourteen. I loved that we both shared a name, Isaac and that he pioneered the idea of robots and the…

9 min read

On Distractions, Ideas, Richard Feynman and having a great life.

In 2016 I stumbled upon a book called “The Pleasure Of Finding Things Out” by Richard Feynman, it was a collection of some of Feynman’s best…

5 min read

My Top 5 Books of 2018. With Short Reviews and Highlights.

Reading books it’s generally considered an honorable thing to do with your time. Everyone agrees that reading books it’s good, even though…

8 min read

On Movies vs Books and Emotionally Rewarding Activities.

Imagine you’re watching a fantastic movie. One of your favorites or one you’ve never seen before; imagine that surge of expectation, the…

3 min read

Fahrenheit 451, a review and highlights.

I’ve mentioned in the past how I tend to choose books. If they ring a bell, like Montaigne’s essays, then I assume they’re good books since…

7 min read

The casual, exacerbating philosophy of Montaigne - A review

The way I choose my books a lot of the time is the same as I and many others choose things. If the books sound familiar, it means I heard…

9 min read

The last of Dune. Thoughts on "Chapterhouse" and the journey of reading Dune.

I started reading Dune mid-2016, and among the 50 or so books I read that year, Dune was the best one of them. A marvellous book, a…

3 min read

Thinking Fast and Slow. Understanding Human Behavior. A Review.

Reviewing books as complex and important as this one is hard. It took me almost 5 months to get through this book. I read about 10 other…

2 min read

Review: Work Rules!: Insights from Inside Google That Will Transform How You Live and Lead

My thoughts on: Work Rules! By Laszlo Bock. And a bit about the Google Memo craziness at the end. I always give tags to the books I read…

6 min read

On Good Stories, Good Endings and Isaac Asimov.

Jeff Goins in his book “You are a Writer” explains that, regardless of how much you write and how good you are at it, you *are* a writer as…

4 min read

My top 10 books of 2016 and what they taught me.

I love reading books. Books are a unique form of information. An article purpose is to dwell into a particular topic and cover as best as…

28 min read

The Fountains of Paradise by Arthur C. Clarke

As a Hugo Award winner of 1980, The Fountains of Paradise is an interesting book. By now, I’m used to surprises. All the Hugo winners must…

3 min read

Imagine a perfect, happy world. Now, imagine the opposite.

Imagine a world of happiness. Everyone has what they wish for, what they need, what they want. There is no need for food, shelter, security…

11 min read

My thoughts on The Analyst by John Katzenbach

I’ve been wanting to read The Analyst for years but I never quite got to it. When I recently asked on social media for suggestions of books…

2 min read

Thoughts on "In Conversation With God" by Neale Donald Walsch.

This book is can be highly, highly controversial and the value it brings to a reader depends mostly on the already made assumptions and…

2 min read

Thoughts on "I, Robot" by Isaac Asimov.

The three laws of robotics are as follows: A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. A…

3 min read

A crash course on the history of physics. My thoughts on “A Brief History Of Time” by Stephen Hawking.

I’ve just finished “A Brief History Of Time” by Stephen Hawking and I feel my brain more efficient, bigger and smart just by reading this…

3 min read

My thoughts on Extra Virginity: The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil

This is probably one of the books in which I’ve learned the most about something specific and so common as Olive Oil. Turns out, Olive Oil…

3 min read

My thoughts on "Lost Stars" by Claudia Gray

The description of this book is quite… incomplete. It states that the book is mostly about the struggle of two friends through their…

1 min read

Why I loved "The Rosie Project"

My thoughts on: “The Rosie Project” by Graeme Simsion. I like to start with a simple way to describe books. In the case of The Rosie Project…

2 min read

How to read 52 books in a year, or a book a week. And why?

In September 2014 I went to this particular bookshop for the first time, one that I fell in love with. It is in a nice touristic street and…

12 min read

7 Things I learned from Harry Potter.

This week I finished one of the best series of books I’ve ever read, the Harry Potter series. Here are some of the reasons I totally loved H…

8 min read