Why I Believe People That Never Leave Reviews At Amazon Are Assholes.

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Well, first of all let’s narrow it down, and be more specific. Mostly I’m talking about Books here, because even if Amazon sells millions of stuff (Do they sell billions by now?), the books are a super interesting and thriving market that Amazon helped create, plus, no one is buying more than 50 headphones or more than 50 phones a year. There’s people that buys hundreds of books a year—I declare myself guilty—, even if a lot of those books are 0.99 cents or even free—If this was a court the would hang me.

I’m not talking neither about that people that buys books with an Amazon (or any other marketplace) with a pseudo-name just to make sure that Amazon (mostly Amazon, they are data hungry as fuck) doesn’t know who they are and that kind of stuff. Yeah sure, I kind of understand that people, looking for anonymity and all that stuff in the super insecure and metadata driven Internet 2.0. Let’s exclude them, they have their “logical” reasons to not leave reviews and whatever. The less they show in the radar the better.

Neither I’m refering to those casual readers, who bought a couple of books one day and rarely go into their Amazon (or any other marketplace) account. Sure, they can forget about the reviews and all that stuff.

I’m talking about that kind of people that like I said, buys a ton of books yearly. What is a ton of books? Depends on how much you read, for some people 20 books a year is an accomplishment. Maybe 10 books a year is an accomplishment and buying 10 books is a ton. Maybe you read more a hundred (100) books a year. I could say a good “ton” average is more than 50. A book a week is really common for avid readers, writers, business men, ect.

So let’s stick with that. People that buy a ton of books, be it 20, 50 or over the 100’s.


The whole book marketplace ecosystem is run pretty much by reviews. And that’s the whole point. When someone is buying a book (and mostly any product online) there are several factors that will influence the customer to click the “buy” button. The first one if the image (in this case the book’s cover), the second one are the Reviews (the most influential in my opinion), the third is a combination of the product info, including amount of pages, title, subtitle, page count, description, and others.

So. The author/publisher can totally nail all of those things, expect for the Reviews, and that’s why they are so important, if I see the best book cover ever, the best description, with 300+ pages (my favorite amount of pages), an awesome description, but in the reviews I see ten 5 stars and thirty 1 and 2 stars, what do you think I’d do? The book would have to be recommended by someone I blindly trust to buy that garbage.

And yes, I said garbage, because in my experience (with negative ones at least) the reviews do not lie. If a book is terrible and for some reason was bought by a lot of people, it will show in the reviews, the same happens most of the time if the book is great too.

And that’s why is so F@#$ important to leave your reviews! Because first of all, you are helping the author of the book, the more reviews a book has the more likely it is to be bought, even if the review you want to leave is not 5 stars, leave it. Even if it is short, leave it. Leave your voice.

If you hated the book your review might help someone somewhere not to buy that book you disliked so much, and if you loved it, well, someone might buy it instead, thanks to you.

Is much more than just leaving a “stupid review on amazon”, is leaving your opinion to help both the author (or try to bury her) and fellow customers.

The reason I think people that don’t leave reviews in Amazon are assholes, is because they will leave a review, some day, and that review will be negative most likely. Why? Because that’s how people are. They might have bought 300 books, but if they disliked one, they will log in into the market place and bitch about how bad the book was.

“I never leave a review, BUT” bla bla bla bla, when I read that in a review, mostly if it’s bad, I just ignore it. Most people don’t. Those long and bitchy reviews usually have like 40+ up votes. “Oh, they never leave a review, and they’re bitching, the book must be terrible”. No! The guy writing is an asshole! Why don’t you write the same 400 word to support the 299 books you liked? Instead of complaining about the 1 book you disliked.

That’s terrible in my opinion.

I leave a review in most of the books I read (sorry, can’t leave a review on monster erotica sci-fi alien futuristic historic niche porn book, that would be weird, and I’m sure something like that exist in Amazon, somewhere), because they help people. They help the authors I love, they might help other people, and hell, I LOVE writing my thoughts, as you can imagine if you finished reading this not so interesting post, in my super interesting blog (at least I think it’s super cool, don’t judge me).


And please, leave a stupid review next time, and if you don’t, don’t do it to bitch about something.

Again. Peace! <3

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April 9th, 2015