Living more life

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I’ve been writing a diary (yes, a diary, I finally started a proper diary. I’m so glad I’m far away from some friends right now) for the last 95 days, 96 with today. That’s about 3 months worth of life, time and a habit created out of wanting more out of life.

This publication is about getting more out of life. As simple as that.

I am –quite unfortunately– surrounded by people who use the excuse of not having enough time to _not _do things.

I’ve got no time to read. No time to excersie, no time to learn to play guitar, code, go out, make friends, cook.

I’m afraid I’ll hear people saying to me one day that they don’t have time to live.

Well, no, actually I would be very glad if I hear that. That would mean that people _finally _realized that there is time. There is time to read, to learn something new, the ukulele for example looks like an interesting thing to do, doesn’t it?

If we don’t have time to anything, how is it that we’ve got time to Live?

And I don’t mean simply being alive, survivng, breathing, eating, popping and sleeping. I mean living, being truly and purpously alive.

I live in a country (Malta) in which people tend to smoke a lot. The amount of time spent with each cigarette changes widely from person to person, from less than 5 minutes up to 10 or more. Let’s stick with 7 minutes each cigarette.

The average smoker (varies through countries) is around 20. I would dare say that average is higher in Europe.

Sticking with 20 cigars a day, 7 minutes each, that’s 140 minutes a day worth of time spent by simply smoking. By performing a task that is neither useful nor necessary. The cons of smoking heavily outperform the pros (social acceptance and interaction mostly). The fewer the smokers the fewer the pros. The cons remain almost the same.

So, 140 minutes a day, let’s round it down to 120 minutes, 2 hours worth of gold precious time, a day. n a month that’s about 60 hours. Which is more than a week worth of work.

People is spending more than a week of their life, each month, simply by smoking. Even if we round it down to 40 hours a week that is still insane.

Did I mention than in a lifetime it would cost you more than 2 years of life? Yep, 2 years of life spent by doing nothing but smoking. That can go up to 4 years easily if you are a heavy smoker or take longer times smoking a cigar, since I rounded it down to 50 hours a month to be conservative and stuff.

**But we’ve got no time to read a book. **

We’ve got no time to live.

I personally don’t smoke. But I go in and out of Facebook dozens of times a day. Each one of those taking at least 2 minutes of my precious life. That would be… Yep, about a couple of years of life simply by going into facebook every now and then. I crumble by thinking that I would spend half a year (being very conservative) of my expected 70 years of life by simply going into facebook and closing it again because Facebook Sucks.

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October 19th, 2015