How To Be Happy. And Why No One Is Happy.w

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Where to start.

Ok. No point to start off.

Bye. I hope this was useful.

For real. Where to start? Human dissatisfaction is printed in our DNA? Social behaviour drives us into desiring more and more even when we already have what we once dreamed of?

Is it Capitalism, Human Nature, Phisological disorders being expressed in billions, lack of self understanding or spiritualism?

New agers will say that it is all about self development, you will reach your higher self eventually.

Bankers will check your balance and decide if you should or should not be happy.

Entrepreneurs will start a new company, which most likely will fail, and then they will start another company, which is also likely to fail. They will tell you that happiness is to make that motherfucking company go into IPO without failing. That’s happiness.

A child will tell you happiness is playing ball. Happiness is smiling, laughing. A child will tell you everything is happiness.

Why isn’t everyone happy?

Why is everyone looking for more, more and more?

Why even me, the happiest and most positive person I know of, am not happy enough?

What is being “Happy Enough”?

I should stop making so empty publications and actually give some fucking answers from time to time. Maybe that way I will be happier—see what I did there? Well, if you didn’t then get the f# out of here.

Well no. Not really, you can continue reading. Here’s a cookie:

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May 9th, 2015