I love mental models. They’re crucial to understanding complex systems, allowing us to intuitively grasp and solve complex problems. This is…
17 min readI’ve learned that the biggest difference between someone that has mastered a language, framework or tool and someone who hasn’t lies in the…
15 min readBack in 2014, I had the incredible idea of starting a blog. At the time I never imagined I’d write over 130 articles in 5 years. My blog has…
11 min readFrank Herbert is considered by many to be one of the best science fiction writers of all time. He wrote the classic, astounding and eye…
7 min readI loved this book, it offers a fantastic, usable framework to create new habits and to change old ones. You can find my in-depth review of…
30 min readAnyone you talk to will readily admit that the world it’s facing many challenges. Each society needs to deal with its own issues, but we…
34 min readReading books it’s generally considered an honorable thing to do with your time. Everyone agrees that reading books it’s good, even though…
8 min readI’ve been listening to this one album for more than a month now. I usually listen to music while coding, and whenever I want to play music I…
3 min readImagine you can choose to have a special mental ability. Predicting the future and influencing other’s behaviour might be two of the best…
8 min readEsto es algo relativamente nuevo para mi. A pesar de que siempre estuve consciente de lo que aquí escribiré, nunca tuve la oportunidad de…
3 min read