
These are candid thoughts. In contract to articles which are polished posts, these part of my digital garden where I publish anything I'd like to say to the world.

Fix Figma not working on Brave browser with black screen

If your Figma is not working on your Brave browser, or Figma showing a black screen where the designs should be, you can easily fix it by…

1 min read

Circe - A delightful reminder of our mortality

Books transcend beyond their covers by making us hallucinate with wonders, and a good author is like a wizard cooking up potions that will…

1 min read

How Video games Destroy my focus and long-term thinking

For my 5th birthday, my auntie gave me a Super Nintendo SNES with Mario Brothers on it. I’ve been in love with video games ever since, and I…

3 min read

Why these notes exist

Hello there. This article is an attempt at explaining, to you as much as to myself, why these Notes exist separate from Articles. Why do I…

2 min read